This weekend our goal is to get our "cleaned upon" and donated supplies organized. Yup, you read that right. I sent out an email to my local addicts and told them I'd be glad to take their dust collecting, guilt inducing, valuable space hogging, unused craft supplies off their hands. I'm shocked and thrilled at the responses. My goal is to make great, creative, fun, useful things for little or no money during our mother-daughter craft expedition. You could say I'm cheap or you could go with my version which is..." We all need to do our part to save the earth. If I can stop the senseless waste of craft supplies filling our nations landfills, I have to do it! Who am I to turn down donated buttons, fabric, glue etc. Just consider this my service to closets, homes, mankind and mother earth!"
So, if you want to get gathering from your friends and neighbors and join us, just leave us a comment and let us know. We'll add you to our "eco-crafters list". Wish us luck and creativity!